We are delighted to be organizing the 29th congress of the Société Francophone Posture Equilibre, Locomotion (SOFPEL) and to welcome you to ROUEN on November 30 and December 1, 2023.

The congress will take place at the UFR Médecine-Pharmacie of ROUEN UNIVERSITY.

As every year, our congress will provide an opportunity for inter-professional exchanges, bringing together researchers and clinicians to discuss balance, posture and locomotion.

In this congress entitled “Navigating among our senses”, we will have among the didactic presentations already scheduled updates on the role of the vestibular system in adaptation to our environment with Pierre Denise, on the influence of fatigue in locomotor and postural control with Nicolas Forestier, on the use of virtual reality in our diagnostic and therapeutic approaches with Nienke de Vries and on the interaction between our social environment and our motor behavior with Julie Grèzes and Rocco Mennella.

29th Sofpel Congress in Rouen Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2023


SOFPEL Committee

  • Hamaoui, Chairman, PU, Université Paris Saclay ;T Lelard, Treasurer, MC, Université de Picardie.
  • M.L. Welter, Secretary, PU-PH, Neurophysiology, CHU Rouen ;
  • Allali, International Relations, MD, Neurology, University Hospitals of Geneva ;
  • Assaiante, Scientific Committee, DR CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille ;
  • Bonan, PU-PH, MPR, CHU Rennes ;
  • Borel, CR CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille.
  • Defebvre, PU-PH, Neurology, CHU Lille ;
  • Delval, PU-PH, Neurology, CHU Lille ;
  • Honoré, CR CNRS, Université Lille-Nord de France ;
  • Perrochon, PU, University of Limoges ;
  • A Saj, Communication, PA, Psychology, Université de Montréal;


Local Organizing Committee

  • Valérie Vattier-Laine
  • Charles Maquet
  • Timothée Gillot
  • Ivana Dabaj
  • Nathalie Chastan
  • Marie Laure Welter

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