The Association

The Société Francophone Posture Equilibre Locomotion (SOFPEL) is the French-speaking learned society of reference in the field of Posture, Balance, and Gait. It stimulates and connects many stakeholders from the French-speaking scientific, medical, paramedical, and technological communities interested in posture, balance, and locomotion research.

3 Main Themes

Posture, balance, and locomotion are major issues tackled by SOFPEL. Postural, balance and gait disorders are among the most frequent reasons for medical consultation. On a scientific level, the considerable increase in the number of publications by French teams attests to the success of this topic in France, which is also reflected internationally.

Clinical Practices

SOFPEL encourages the production and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of posture, balance, and locomotion. With over a hundred members, it initiates, supports, and promotes fundamental, technological, and clinical research.

SOFPEL recommends adapted clinical practices which follow the health professions’ respective competency frameworks (medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropodists, occupational therapists, etc.), in consultation with other learned societies and professional associations.

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